Lifestyle Opportunity

Research and Information

Friday 21 September 2012

We all have our level of concern about cancer for ourselves and our loved ones...Now here is a new approach, Your level of influence

Here's another great testimonial being sharerd with us .. I would just like to say that we truly appreciate anyone who is willing to share these with everyone as it will surely help build the belief factor with Immunocal and help many people who can't decide on whether they should or they shouldn't .. I know there are phenominal stories out there to be told because I hear of them endlessly but unless people are willing to put them in writing and share them with everyone they will just become forgotten stories .. I would like to thank Delvia for sharing this


I too have a story to share regarding how Immunocal has been helping my father deal with his pancreatic cancer as well.

At the age of 77 my father was diagnosed with pancreatic (inoperable) cancer. He too was given 3-6 months left to live. We have always been believers of homeopathic supplements to enhance and help in the healing of medical issues.

We strongly believe in the East meets West remedies, as such my father began his chemo treatment.

Doctors didn’t think he would tolerate it as he was an elderly man, nevertheless a friend introduced me to Immunocal and from the moment I heard of it I began giving it to my father. It has now been 2 ½ years and my father continues on chemotherapy. His pancreatic cancer has not spread to any other organ as all were expecting.

His physicians especially his oncologist were advised of Immunocal as I wanted them to be aware of what we were giving him along with his chemo. The Dr. looked at the package and shrugged and said sure, it’s like giving him MILK!

The Dr, now says- whatever you’re doing, keep doing it! They have no explanation as to how and why my father’s cancer has not spread and quite simply why he is still alive!

We do, I know it’s the Immunocal that has helped maintain his cancer at bay, allowed him to tolerate the chemo for all this time and hopefully for a while longer!

Warm Regards,

Delvia Matchain

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