Lifestyle Opportunity

Research and Information

Friday 21 September 2012

How important is Glutathione to our health?

Glutathione – the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier

Glutathione(glue the tie on) is a tripeptide made up of 3 amino acids .. glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid .. all indications point to cysteine as being the limiting factor for intracellular glutathione production .. there is no glutathione in Immunocal but there is cysteine in its bioactive form called cystine .. Immunocal delivers cystine into the body which is then broken down into cysteine in the cell .. this allows the cell to produce a greater supply of glutathione


No other antioxidant is as important to overall health
as glutathione. It is the regenerator of immune cells and
the most valuable detoxifying agent in the body. Low
levels are associated with early aging and even death.

The Immune System Cure, Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.

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