Lifestyle Opportunity

Research and Information

Sunday 23 September 2012

Hi everyone .. I just had this great cancer testimonial passed on to us by our Pharmacist Alan Ogden .. thanks for sharing Alan

If anyone else out there has positive stories like this to share with everyone please forward them on to us and we would be happy and excited to email them out to the group

Have a great day Everyone!
Carl and Sandi

Hi Alan-

I thought I would pass this e-mail on to you regarding my sister. I have told a number of people here in Winnipeg about her progress over the past few months ( I also told Dr. Gutman about her when he was in Winnipeg a couple of months ago), but also thought you might like to know this story.

When my sister first told me her diagnosis September 15th, we were both crying on the phone. Although she never listened to me before about anything “healthy”, I asked her to “TRUST ME, PLEASE, AND START TAKING IMMUNOCAL RIGHT AWAY.” She said she would.

I sent Mabel over with boxes of the Platinum, and had her explain what it does, and Mabel gave her all kinds of information as well.
I was with her in November when the oncologist told her that she had inoperable, terminal pancreatic cancer and said that she would have 6-9 months without chemo, and a year to maybe 2 years if she underwent chemo. She said her cancer was inoperable because it had spread to her liver and surrounding tissues. ( Well, she had an MRI in January and they couldn’t see any cancer on her liver.)
I should add, that she is also drinking alkaline water. I know that there is controversy over alkaline water, but I have spoken with a couple of cancer clinics in the U.S. that use alternative treatments and they said that I was on the right track, as they do the same.

I was sending an update to an associate in South Dakota, so wrote the following letter.

Marjorie Stevens

Subject: Re: IMMUNOCAL and Cancer

Hi June-

I just thought I would give you an update on my sister who was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer last September. I know I gave you some of the details before, but thought you might be interested in her continued progress.

It is really quite astounding how she is feeling and the blood test results just keep getting better and better. You may remember that her blood markers for cancer last fall were 21,000, with normal blood markers being between 0-34. As the months have gone by, those blood markers have just continued to go down, and 2 days ago, her blood test showed they were now at 312. (a month ago they were 377)

She was taking 16-8 painkillers a day last fall because of the severe pain in her back. The doctor told her that eventually the painkillers may not be enough and that she could come in for shots or another stronger oral painkiller.

Well, she has been cutting back on her own for the last few months from 4 pills every four hours (16-18 pills a day) to taking only 4 pills a day…2 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and one before she goes to bed. However, she is not taking them to keep away any pain because she is not feeling any pain, which is NOT what was predicted at all. She will continue to cut back to see if she can get away with not taking any.

In the beginning, she was taking 2 packs of IMMUNOCAL a day, but because she now is a believer that it IS the IMMUNOCAL that is keeping her immune system strong, she now takes 4 packs a day and has noticed even more energy and improvement in her health. When she gets the chemo, her white blood cells do go down, because after all, it a poison they are giving her. But, 2 weeks go by and her white blood cells and back up again.

She has now gained 17 pounds back, and is able to eat everything. She is constantly on the go, it seems, and rarely needs to nap. Before, she was resting most of the day.

Another side effect of chemo is peripheral neuropathy, which is tingling and pain in the extremities, and not being able to touch anything cold. They say that this in ongoing and will get worse as time goes on with receiving chemo, but for my sister, she gets a little bit of the neuropathy for a couple of days following chemo, and then it goes away. The doctor always asks her about it, and appears very bewildered that she doesn’t have any after a couple of days.

They are also baffled that she is still able to receive chemo after all these months, because usually after a couple of months, your body simply cannot take any more poison. They pointed out in the beginning, because I was there in the room hearing all this, that there is no cure, but the chemo would keep it at bay and perhaps give her a few more months, maybe a year of life.

On this past Wednesday, she received her 12th chemo treatment. The nurses are amazed at how much better she looks and at the blood test results.
I told her to take 5 packs of IMMUNOCAL immediately following the chemo to see if that would shorten the neuropathy and it appears that it has shortened it.

If I had not learned about IMMUNOCAL 3 ½ years ago, I truly believe that my sister would not be alive today. She was so very sick last summer, fall, and even in January. Seeing her now, she still needs to gain more weight, but she is feeling so good, and is feeling so positive.

Because I am so close to my sister, I am seeing firsthand the results of IMMUNOCAL, and how GLUTATHIONE is absolutely essential to keep the immune system strong. I can only hope that her story will help others. That is what this is all about, and I want to pass it along to others. Her story is by no means the only story, but it is an amazing one. We can only hope and pray that a year from now, she will be better than ever. She also knows that she will be taking this for the rest of her life.

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