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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Pet Health for a healthier and more vibrant life…

If there was a way to increase your pet or pets lifespan 30% to 40% what would that mean to you?

Healthy Woofers

Your pet shows you unconditional love… here is a very simple way you can show yours in return.
Giving them optimal healthy and extending their lifespan as long as possible.
Ensuring you and your pet can remain best friends for a long time.
Below you will see some testimonials of others just like you who love their dogs and want to give their dog the best health advantage possible.
If $1 a day would help your furry friend stay healthy, live longer, and better able to battle off things like cancer, diabetes, arthritis or cataracts… would you be willing to invest a dollar a day?
DUCHESS aka SQUEAKY was born on Feb 8, 2012 to a young rescued Pitbull. She was 1 of a litter of 13 puppies. 1 puppy was still born. It was thought she would not survive as she was so tiny. Due to her size and having a young Mom she was unable to nurse and take in proper nutrition. She was bottle feed and feed dog food mush.

As the litter grew little DUCHESS aka SQUEAKY did not grow. At 5 1/2 weeks I watched her littermates, all over 10 lbs each, play attack her. But with her size even rough play was injuring her.

It was decided as I have 3 rescued Pitbulls and years of experience bring back dogs to good health she would come home with me.

When I brought her home she was malnourished, eye infection, very little hair, bad skin, unable to walk, could barely eat soft food and with an injury to her right front leg( which I feel was caused by littermates using her as a tug toy).

On March 31 I started her on IMMUNOCAL in apple sauce. Within 1 week her eye infection gone, gained 1 whole pound, dry flaky skin was noticeable improved, large increase in hair growth, could eat solid food, and the Most Amazing thing she was running.

On day 18, April 17, 2012, of taking IMMUNOCAL she is now 4 lbs.

She runs and runs like I have never seen a puppy run. Energy, balance, and the most rapid growth I have ever seen in any animal. I have been rescuing dogs for over 25 yrs and have nursed many puppies back to health and Have Never SEEN ANYTHING like this ever. I feel IMMUNOCAL and Love are the Miracle that saved her life.

I like the picture you did but she has only been on IMMUNOCAL for 18 days not 5 1/2 weeks which makes this improvement a Miracle to me

Cats. They LOVE IMMUNOCAL. At least all of mine do. I have 5 cats on it and have seen the most amazing results.

Ragdoll, lives in the house with us…Poor coat and dull fur and kind of greasy to her body. Drinking too much water and sleeps a lot in hiding. Something going on…Self diagnosis of bladder/kidney issues. 12 years old.
Added a bit of raw food to her diet and less of the pelleted “stuff” and even some good canned food for more moisture. AND Immunocal about 3 times per day in her food, with a bit of oil even.
Within 10 to 12 days there was some good changes. Ragdoll’s name is Twana. First noticed her drinking less often. Also really talking for her food and quite underfoot, which was unusual as Ragdoll’s are very quite. At least Twana was. Then litter box needed changed more often. Then very friendly and actually sleeping on the couch with Chihuahua and I. Sitting with us for extended periods of time even. So not in hiding and sleep anymore. All this was happening at the same time her coat was improving. Starting to “fluff” up again and not so statickey (?) anymore. Changed cat. Dog and her play now and she rubs herself on him instead of swatting at him.

2 purebred Barn Siamese:

1 female was very lethargic most of the winter. Got her going before adding Immunocal with Digestive Enzymes and sardines and eggs and good quality canned food and just a bit of pelleted food and some steamed vegetables. Seemed age was getting to her but she is only 15. Something was still missing as she just did not fully bounce back this Spring. Added Immunocal and this seemed to be the missing link for her. Pretty much back to her happy, normal, hunting, aggressive Siamese self.
The male is younger and with him he needed to lose some weight. Which he did balance out when Immunocal was added to his diet.

2 big Tiger Male Cat brothers….Wild and live and get fed outside of big barn and also have a heated cathouse on our step at the house.

1 is perfect with or without Immunocal and the other has quite a Respiratory Wheeze and had it for a while. Kind of chronic. They are 8 years old. I have worked with the Respiratory issue with a number of alternatives, that I could get into a wild cat and have kept the wheeze from becoming lets say Distemper or Pneumonia or Asthma…. But now I am making more progress, as I have to listen for the wheeze as it is becoming less and less each day. They eat Immunocal 2-3 times a day as well. Usually about 1/2 a tsp each feeding.

And because his brother is “perfect” (name is Moon) with or without Immunocal…..both their coats are shiny and slinky! Both have the most beautiful coats ever! And Moon (wild cat) is now stretching out and letting me actually pet him. Purring loudly, with satisfaction!

One more interesting thing. The cats lick the Immunocal and water which is now a “juice” first, then eat the rest of their meal.

Karen Rose
Brooks Alberta

Letter of testimonial for our dog with cancer

My name is Tony Luboff. I reside in Ojai, California with my wife and two children. The other very important member of our family is Max, a five year old yellow Labrador Retriever. He is very much loved by all of us, which is why I have put together this letter. About five months ago, Max became ill, but at the time we did not realize just how ill. He grew progressively listless, refusing to eat and/or play with the children or us. He was coughing and choking four to five times an hour. This was totally uncharacteristic of a very active and most of the time “hungry dog”.
We took him to our Veterinarian, Dr. Tony Kirk on July 21st. Dr. Kirk thought that Max possibly had a foxtail in his throat but could not find one. Because his throat looked infected, he was put on antibiotics. After two rounds of antibiotics he was worse, so we checked for heartworms, and just about everything else in the book. At this point Dr. Kirk suggested that a Xray should be done on Max. On August 14th the Xray was done and we were dismayed to learn that Max was loaded with cancer, particularly in the area of his lungs. There were two large tumors wrapped around the bronchials that were pinching off his esophagus. This is why he was coughing so much. The choking off of his esophagus was also making it hard for him to eat. He had not been eating for some time and was losing weight rapidly. The vet said that he would likely have only a few short painful weeks to live.
We told the Vet about Immunocal and we were amazed that he knew about glutathione. He said that if we had something that could raise glutathione levels then, by all means, use it. In the first two weeks we almost had to shove food down Max’s throat and he was still throwing up quite a bit. We tried to get at least one packet a day into his system. Eventually however, he was taking his food with a lot of encouragement.
That was over three and a half months ago and we are happy to say that Max is still with us and with much improved health. His constant coughing and choking have completely stopped; he has gained back the 12 lbs. of weight that he had lost and we have noticed a marked increase in his energy level and appetite. Numerous friends have commented on the fact that Max appears much better and is still around instead of being dead, which of course is where he was supposed to be. On Thursday, November 19th we took Max back to the Vet and he was truly amazed. He accused us of bringing in a different dog! He said that all the congestion that he heard in his heart and lungs before are completely gone.
We have done nothing else other than give Max this Whey protein immune system booster called “Immunocal”. To say that we recommend this product would be an understatement. Thank you Dr. Bounous and Chuck Roberts for bringing us Immunocal !!

Tony Luboff

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