Lifestyle Opportunity

Research and Information

Saturday 24 November 2012

For those of you who could possibly be going through cancer treatment; For those of you who know someone who is going through cancer treatment...


GSH stands for glutathione (the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier)

Did you know?

Cancer is the only known condition under which the otherwise tightly regulated GSH levels are exceeded. It is a characteristic of cancer cells to bypass normal regulatory controls.

Tumor cells high in GSH often show resistance to chemotherapy.

Did you know?

Paradoxically, the precursors that raise glutathione in normal cells trigger the opposite reaction in cancerous cells. When GSH production is over stimulated in cancerous cells, they shut down glutathione production in a process called negative feedback inhibition, making them more susceptible to destruction. Meanwhile normal tissue uses the precursors to make glutathione, leaving it with better defences.

Did you know?

Immunocal delivers a precursor (necessary ingredient) into the body, that when ingested in its bioactive state, is able to travel safely to the cell, enter it and allow the cell to produce a greater amount of GSH. Or in the case of a cancer cell cause a negative feedback inhibition which lowers the GSH levels.

Information was taken from the book GSH written by Jimmy Gutman

Taking a scientifically proven product to raise the GSH levels in your healthy cells while at the same time lowering the GSH levels in your cancerous cells is a win win situation for the consumer.

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