Lifestyle Opportunity

Research and Information

Sunday, 14 October 2012

An all natural product of with pharmaceutical grade. Immunocal, making a difference in people's lives.

































































































Monday, 8 October 2012

Immunocal is listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) Immunocal is also listed in the CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties) published for Canadian Physicians and Pharmacists. Also listed in the U.S. Pharmacists Red Book and eligible for Medicare/ Medicaid coverage...


The Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) is the authoritative source of FDA approved information on prescription drugs. Although Immunocal is a natural, non‑drug supplement, it appears in the U.S. Physicians' Desk Reference. However, immunocal is also available without a prescription.

    The CPS or Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties is published yearly and is distributed to Canadian Physicians and Pharmacists. Although Immunocal is a natural, non‑drug supplement, it appears in the CPS. However, immunocal is also available without a prescription.

Immunocal is listed in the U.S. Pharmacists' Red Book. Celebrating 110 years of service, the Red Book remains the Pharmacy's most reliable source for product information and prices on prescription drugs, OTC items, and reimbursable medical supplies.

Immunocal is eligible for Medicare/Medicaid coverage and
reimbursement. It is also covered by many private insurance programs.